Recorded Ramya Behara for Famous Telugu Rhymes. Thanks to Infobells for the opportunity.

Children Rhymes
Recorded Bhavana Annapragada for Super Audio,...
Devotional, Music Albums
FAME team, got itself involved into arranging the tracks, recording vocals, mix and master...
Devotional, Music Albums
FAME team, came out with a devotional Album on “Sri Chandrika Durga Amma”
Following are...
Children Rhymes
karthik chandan and Vijay again recorded many rhymes for Zappy Toons sung by Sanjana...
Bollywood, Music Albums
Our Founder and CEO Karthik Chandan has composed and sung all the songs of...
Children Rhymes
karthik chandan and Vijay again recorded many rhymes for Joy Toons sung by Sanjana...
Children Rhymes
FAME Productions team, once again had fun recording Sinchan Dixit for translated hindi rhymes.
Children Rhymes
Exceptionally talented singer. Coming from a musical family Sahiti continues to learn music.
Children Rhymes
Infobells Hindi Rhymes – Sinchan Dixit – Vijay Krishna – Karthik Chandan.
This time, we...
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